Monthly Archives: May 2021

1,600 viewers join preview of “Ushiku”
Ahead of the World Premier of Ushiku, 1,600 viewers joined an online preview screening of the film. More information about the preview screening as well as the World Premier, which will take place from June 1-6 in Germany’s Nippon Connection – Japanese Film Festival, can be found on the Documenting Blog.

“Ushiku” Press Conference held at The Foreign Correspondents’ Club Of Japan
A Press Conference about Thomas’s new documentary Ushiku was held today at The Foreign Correspondents’ Club Of Japan. Human Rights Abuses In Japan’s Detention Centers WATCH: 日本外国特派員協会での記者会見日本語通訳付き: WATCH:

“Ushiku” trailer released
牛久市にある東日本入国管理センターに収容された難民申請者が、隠しカメラにその実態を語る。 Seeking asylum in Japan, detainees at the infamous Ushiku immigration centre speak out in secretly recorded interviews. 比類なき不正義 an injustice of Olympic proportion 予告編 TRAILER: