
Best Documentary for “Ushiku” in Croatia
At the closing ceremony on October 11, “Ushiku” received the award for Best Feature Documentary at the Apox Film Festival (Oct. 4-11) in Veli Losinj, Croatia. In a statement on social media, Thomas wrote, “I am grateful for the opportunity to continue sharing about the treatment of refugees and asylum-seekers to Japan with people all over the world. Thank you for your continued support.” JURY STATEMENT FROM APOX FILM FESTIVAL, CROATIA “The quality of filmmaking, the story, the flow, keeps you on the edge of your seat until the very end, and opens up new perspectives that others should hear and learn about. Quality work made in such a way […]

“Best Documentary Director award” at 2022 Harlem IFF for “Ushiku”
Thomas received the Best Documentary Director award at the 2022 Harlem International Film Festival (NYC) for “Ushiku”. In a statement released on social media, he wrote: “First and foremost, I would like to acknowledge the courageousness of the film’s participants in speaking out. As a director, I believe it is my role not to speak for those who have shared their stories, but to help carry those voices out into the world. I pray all who hear the voices of the film’s participants will see themselves in the other and be moved to demand just immigration policies and the elimination of discrimination.” 2022ハーレム国際映画祭(アメリカ・ニューヨーク)にて、『Ushiku』が最優秀ドキュメンタリー監督賞を受賞したことは、大変光栄なことです。 この映画の参加者たちが勇気をもって「真実を伝えるために」発言したことを重く受け止め、敬意を表します。 監督としての私の役割は、当事者の言葉を代弁するのではなく、その声を世の中に届けることです。『牛久』を観た人々が、当事者のおかれた状況を他人事ではなく、もしそこにいるのが自分や家族であったらと受け止め、公正な難民政策と差別のない社会の実現のため、行動をおこされるよう祈ります。

Thomas honoured with Freedom of the Press Japan award
At the 2022 Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan Freedom of the Press Awards, Thomas was honoured with the Freedom of the Press Japan Award for “Ushiku”.
Ushiku87 min/ Japan/ 2021
Seeking asylum in Japan, detainees at the infamous Ushiku immigration centre speak out in secretly recorded interviews. -
おみおくり〜Sending Off〜
77 min/ Japan/ 2019
When the time comes, the villagers gather to send off their dead. -
The Father’s Love Begotten17 min/ Japan/ 2019
A young man struggles with the effects of abuse he suffered as a child. 子供時代に受けた虐待によるトラウマに苦しむ青年の話 -
Boys for Sale76 min/ JAPAN/ 2017 (dir: Itako, prod: Ian)
男の子たちが売るセックスを買うのは・・・?Boys are selling in Japan. Who is buying? -
Suturing Cultures
28 min/ Japan (NHK World)/ 2017
Japan’s future doctors navigate culture, religion and sexual orientation…in English. -
Dying at Home
28 min/ Japan (NHK World)/ 2016
Dr. Kaoru Konta is on a quest to help people who wish to die at home rather than in hospital. -
70 min/ US & Japan/ 2014
Over the course of four years, Kazuko discusses love, marriage, money, life…
and her own death. -
71 min/ Japan/ 2013
Eighteen months after the nuclear meltdown in Fukushima, children who were not evacuated are found to have thyroid cysts and nodules. -
In the Grey Zone89 min/ Japan/ 2012
The children of Minamisoma City, Fukushima, living inside the radiation zone head back to school after the nuclear meltdown. -
Jake, not finished yet
ジェック、まだ終わってない81 min/ Japan & UK/ 2010
The story of two mothers and two sons whose chance meeting seven years earlier changes their lives forever. -
the ballad of vicki and jake
84 min/ UK/ 2006
A family struggles with drug abuse, homelessness and their relationship with the filmmaker.