Monthly Archives: January 2017

“Suturing Cultures” to Premier Feb 6!
Details about “Suturing Cultures”, Ian’s latest documentary, have just been published on the Documenting Blog. The film follows a group of young Japanese medical students as they prepare for a future of becoming doctors when they must navigate issues of culture, religion and sexual orientation… in English.

Fukushima “voluntary evacuees” press conference MC’d by Ian
Today Ian MC’d the press conference “Fukushima Voluntary Evacuees on Verge of Losing Homes” at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan (FCCJ). He shared his impressions and several episodes from the press conference on the DocumentingIan Blog, including when one mother shared an emotional account of Fukushima children being bullied at their new school: when parents complained to administrators, they were told “you made the choice to evacuate- if your children are being bullied, that’s your fault”.

Ian’s last column for “5” published
As a guest columnist, Ian has written for the magazine “5” for the past two years. In December, Learning to Say Goodbye, his last column for the magazine, was published. Today Ian shared the original English along with a Japanese translation on the Documenting Blog.